Do you know why you have more success on some projects or tasks than others?
In this workshop, you will learn insights to your WorkStyle Patterns® and "identify how you approach work and how to best approach your current position, assignment or activity based on your natural style. WorkStyle Patterns® (WSP™) alignment is a conceptual framework that offers a common language to discuss and design work, which makes it possible to fulfill the performance needs of your organization and best utilize the talents of your employees. It moves beyond the "what" of work to the crucial "how" to accomplish work." This knowledge and understanding can help in developing a personal and business vision, stronger teams and reducing stress.
This workshop will help open dialogue and assist in recognizing causes for conflict among people. As a participant, you will also explore your professional image and how to brand yourself to expand your personal and professional opportunities.
Topics presented include: WorkStyle Patterns® assessment, personal and business vision, professional image, and branding within and outside a business environment.
Training Methods Used
This workshop includes the WorkStyle Patterns® Inventory (booklet), several hands-on exercises with group interaction and discussion. It is a day filled with learning experiences while looking at new approaches to how you work, make choices in your life and build lasting impressions.
Course Benefits
- Self assess how you prefer to approach work and the most effective work styles
for your position
- Define your personal vision/mission
- Understand the role of a professional image and office etiquette
- Learn the importance of personal branding and how to use it for success
Who Should Attend
- Experienced professionals, supervisors, managers and those recently promoted
- People who want insight on their work styles to build stronger teams, increase productivity, improve results and guide their career development
Date: November 18, 2008
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM (one hour for lunch)
Location: 9420 Research Boulevard, Echelon III, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78759
Cost: $350
Register at: Register for this Workshop
To schedule an in-house seminar for your organization call 512-339-8830
or email info@tinabk.com
"I have had the good fortune of knowing and working with Tina Kubicek for many
years. I have witnessed her leadership and professionalism firsthand as a
colleague, board member and friend. In addition to her training skills, she
brings integrity, commitment and enthusiasm to her work.
Rose Batson
Women's Chamber of Commerce of Texas